The Characters


A mysterious adonis who loves nothing more than to check out his reflection. But there’s a crack in the mirror… and in his perfect facade. What has he lost?

Captain Anderson

Visionary scientist and engineer, the Captain’s presence is omnipresent. What is behind his ambition? Is this world his complete fabrication? 

The Balladeer 

Our enigmatic bard sings like an angel. He’ll be sure to entertain with his playfulness, but there is a sadness that speaks of folly and avarice. What secrets does he hold so close?


Hyper-intelligent, sexy, powerful and cunning.  Skilled in the arts of self improvement, Salacia reigns supreme in this subterraneum world.


The ever-watchful and protective friend and confidante. Claude makes us laugh. But their secret unrequited love will be their ultimate downfall.

The Mariner

A true man of the sea, who loves to spin a good yarn. But, The Mariner has a story of his own, which binds him to this place and time and it seems a storm is approaching…


Bright, lithe, privileged and naive. Sandy is the classic ingénue. But is she driven by lust or love?